I’ve never been a fan of the phrase “Women lie, men lie, money doesn’t.” I generally don’t care about pots calling the kettle black or roses being just as sweet by another name, but that particular phrase about money not lying makes me start seething à la Ghiaccio. It is plainly just not true! Money lies all the time! Not even in the sense of say one American dollar has a higher exchange rate than the Kwacha — American dollars aren’t even equivalent to each other: just take this set of two single dollar bills that sold for $100!

Now you might think that this pedantry over semiotics has no real bearing on the law, but you’re wrong! If people would have lead with the question of How Much A Dollar Costs, then maybe Sabre wouldn’t have to fight against paying out approximately $150M over an antitrust case that resulted

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Most law firms have a billable-hour requirement under which attorneys need to bill a certain number of hours over a specific period, usually 12 months. Law firms have various periods over which they determine if attorneys satisfied the billable-hour requirement, and many shops judge attorneys from a period starting and ending before the holiday season. I have also heard of some firms assessing billable-hour expectations on a fiscal-year basis, and this 12-month period starts and ends in the summer. For a variety of reasons, it usually makes sense to evaluate attorneys based on the calendar year rather than any other period.

I am fortunate to have only worked at a law firm that assessed the billable hours of attorneys based on the calendar year. When I was starting at a firm, I welcomed this. My first day of work was in or around the middle of October, and it was

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Everywhere you turned this year, Jonathan Turley was there.

The George Washington University law professor continued his all-consuming passion to stay relevant with countless cable news hits, a flurry of vacuous articles in The Hill, and an unfiltered string of Tweets and personal blog posts. Wherever a far-right talking point needed the imprimatur of a fading scholar, Turley jumped at the opportunity to spout all manner of nonsense to get another taste of that sweet, sweet attention.

He’s the legal equivalent of a down-and-out doctor writing oxy scrips in exchange for the hard stuff that he really craves. Here’s some quasi-intellectual analysis of how John Durham is going to take down Hillary Clinton in exchange for 5-minutes on Hannity.

AHHHHHHH! Take a deep breath and ride that high, buddy.

In any event, as we close out 20-Turley-2, let’s look back on the professor’s greatest hits. Mostly because I’d even forgotten

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Most people search for services and information online, and that will absolutely not change in 2023! A professional, reputable online digital presence is a key component of an effective marketing approach for all businesses, including law firms. Traditional sales and marketing methods such as word of mouth, billboards, and radio or television advertisements are not enough in today’s digital world. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) marketing is an integral component of a law firm’s successful marketing strategy in 2023 and beyond.

What is SEO?
Search Engine Optimization, or SEO, is used in many businesses, like healthcare, real estate, and the hospitality industry. It is a marketing strategy designed to improve and increase traffic to a business’s website. It is a valuable way for law firms to recruit new clients and, in turn, increase revenue. SEO starts with an established, professional website.

A website is necessary for a law firm in the

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Marvel has the Multiverse – a collection of alternate realities where superheroes interact and exist independently but are sometimes cognizant of their counterparts in other realities. Oddly enough, our world has the Metaverse, which is not fiction. It refers to the world that exists in digital format. Find out how the Metaverse impacts your law firm by reading today’s post.

What is The Metaverse?

Some experts define the Metaverse as a 3D version of the internet. Metaverse users interact within a computer-generated space. It’s not limited to one online location; it includes numerous virtual spaces. Many users have avatars that help them interact with others online. It’s like a virtual reality game and continuously evolves.

How Did The Metaverse Come to Be?

The term, Metaverse, is new to most of us. However, it originated in a 1992 novel entitled Snow Crash by Neal Stephenson. The Metaverse in his novel was

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