What to Know Before Your First Jury Duty

So you have received a letter in the mail. You read it and
grimace, finding out you have randomly been selected for jury duty. The normal
jury service expected is two weeks worth. You should know getting out of jury
duty is difficult, the only way out is a pre-planned vacation or surgery coming
up. But those excuses can only work once, and you will have to eventually visit
jury duty. You shouldn’t put it off, as this is your civic duty. Many people
are unsure of the process of jury duty, so here is to expect before going in.
The first time going to jury duty can be intimidating. You will go through a
security check, and placed in a jurors only room. At any given time there will
a 100 or more people all waiting to be assigned to a trial. One of the typical
tropes of jury … Read more