Signs of Elder Abuse to Look Out For

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The elderly serves as society’s link to the past. They have certain life experiences which everybody can learn from. However, the elderly are also some of the most vulnerable members of society, which makes them highly susceptible to abuse by caregivers. Therefore, it is essential that everything possible is done to protect the elderly. In some cases, it may be necessary to consult with any nursing home neglect attorney omaha ne.

What to Look Out For

Abuse of the elderly can be committed by a nursing home staff, other nursing home residents or even family members. Many times, elderly persons can suffer physical, sexual or verbal abuse at the hands of caregivers. Sometimes this type of abuse, such as striking a resident, is obvious and easier to spot. On the other hand, the public may not be aware of other types of abuse, such as financial abuse, neglect and false imprisonment.

Neglect of Elders

Neglecting to fulfill obligations expected of a caregiver can result in possible or actual harm, which means it will be legally considered abuse. For instance, if a nursing home resident requires assistance in eating and the caregiver or nursing home staff fails to provide this assistance, then the resident could become malnourished, therefore, resulting in physical abuse.

Financial Abuse of the Elderly

Financial abuse is another common form of elder abuse. This may occur in the form of a nursing home or caregiver stealing an elderly person’s property. The caregiver may also commit identity theft which can result in stealing money from an elderly person’s bank account. A nursing home staff member may even attempt to pressure an elderly person to change his or her will, trust or deed. Additionally, false fees and charges can also constitute financial abuse of an elderly person.

False Imprisonment of the Elderly

Another type of lesser-known elder abuse is false imprisonment. This happens when a caregiver prevents the elderly person from leaving a specific area, such as his or her room or possibly a specific part of a nursing facility. Generally, the abuser will disable the elderly individual by leaving them without needed crutches or wheelchair. The abuser may even threaten the elderly person with deprivation of water or food. The abuser may even threaten the resident with physical harm.

What to do About Elder Abuse

If one suspects a loved one is experiencing elder abuse or neglect, he or she should take action to remedy the situation before further harm is committed. The first step is to verify the victim’s story by walking through his or her story step-by-step to make sure it is plausible. One may also check with other residents in the nursing home as well. Additionally, gathering relevant medical records will be helpful.

If it seems that the elderly person’s story is plausible and the evidence suggests it may be true, one may want to consider moving the elderly person to another nursing facility. One should then contact the appropriate authorities to determine if the abuse can be considered criminal behavior. Then, one should file a complaint about the particular nursing home to the appropriate agencies. Lastly, one should consider hiring a lawyer to help with recovering any civil remedies which may be available.