Layoffs Are Upon Us… How Far Will They Spread?

Not So Stealthy: Kirkland has shed some associates. Is this an isolated incident or is the market about to see wider cuts?

U Mad Bro: Jonathan Turley never got a Twitter blue checkmark but he’s not angry. He also wants a paid subscription so he can research which political enemies within Twitter slighted him. So… he’s having a day.

It Is Better 100 Innocent Persons Should Suffer: Justice Alito doesn’t see why “not actually breaking the law” should matter. Whatever Ouija board he’s using to talk to James Madison might be broken, you guys.

Don’t Have A Cow, Man: Devin Nunes threw a fit over allegations that his family hires undocumented workers. He probably should have kept his cool before, you know, opening himself up to discovery.

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