Workers Compensation Lawyers

If you’re looking for information on workers’ compensation lawyers, you’ve come to the right place. There are a number South Carolina workers’ compensation lawyers who specialize in this area of law and you’re sure to find one who will be able to help you.

Construction workers

Construction workers are at risk of getting hurt or injured on the job. Injuries may be preventable, but if they occur, you need to know your legal options. To get the best possible compensation for your work-related injuries, call an experienced worker’s compensation attorney.

Many construction jobs require heavy equipment and working on a construction site is a hazardous proposition. A workplace accident could leave you with lost wages, medical bills, and a permanent disability.

Construction is a dangerous industry and its hazards are well known. Workers are subjected to a variety of chemicals and hazardous substances at work. Taking the time to … Read more

What if I have reason to believe that my lawyer acted unethically?

My Attorney Screwed Up My Case…What Are My Rights?

How a lawyer should behave himself or herself in both professional and private life is governed by the state or states in which he or she is licensed to practice. Typically, these restrictions are enforced by the state’s highest court via its disciplinary board. These standards outline the overall approach that all lawyers, including Indianapolis nursing home abuse attorneys, should take in order to advance the legal profession and uphold the law. 

Additionally, they provide more explicit norms of behavior for various situations. If a lawyer’s conduct violates the regulations, he or she may be censured or reprimanded (publicly or privately rebuked); suspended (having one’s license to practice law revoked for a specified period of time); or disbarred (having the license to practice law taken away indefinitely).

The law establishes penalties for anyone who violates civil or criminal laws, which includes lawyers. However, because of the unique position of … Read more

Common Mistakes People Make After Car Accidents

5 Common Mistakes People Make After a Car Accident | Alvendia, Kelly &  Demarest

After we get our driver’s license, we tend to think that we know everything. Most of us believe that we know exactly how to react when a car accident happens. In reality, things are different. 

The main reason why people recommend that you get a lawyer for car accidents in Wilkes-Barre whenever involved in a collision is exactly this lack of knowledge. Remember that auto accidents can lead to injuries and filing insurance claims can end up failing if you make the wrong choices at the scene of the car accident. This is why you need to be careful and avoid the common mistakes mentioned below. 

Not Calling 911

Unless you are injured and you cannot do this, you should call 911 as soon as possible to let the authorities know that an accident happened. The police need to respond and you are actually required by law to contact the … Read more

Truck Accident Lawyers For Truck Accidents Involving Big Vehicles

Truck Accidents, Big-Rigs/Semis — Gulisano Law, PLLC

Accidents involving large trucks are often far more complex and dramatic than a simple auto accident. They can involve multiple individuals, life-threatening or severe injuries, and even more than one responsible party. When there is negligence on the part of a truck driver, a victim may have a case against the company in relation to personal injury. In this way, truck accident lawyers help victims gain compensation for the pain and suffering they have gone through because of the negligent actions of another party involved in the accident.

Common Truck Accident Causes

The most common causes of truck accidents include speeding or driving while drunk. In addition, truck accidents are also commonly caused by driving on highways or in areas that are not properly maintained. Other causes of accidents include failure to properly maintain the vehicle, improper use of the equipment, or neglecting safety rules or regulations. Truck drivers are … Read more

5 Benefits of Hiring a Car Accident Attorney


The Importance Of A Car Accident Lawyer - Carlson Injury Law Firm

Car accidents can send a person to a hospital and cause wreckage to the vehicle. It cost money to stay in the hospital to receive treatment. In addition, you also need to have money to send the vehicle to the garage to get it repaired. As you can see, you need to get a car accident lawyer to help you claim the compensation to cover these damages. The following are 5 benefits of hiring a car accident attorney.


  1. Prevent You From Settling Early

Car accident attorney can help you to get the full compensation for your injuries. A car accident lawyer can help you to calculate the amount of compensation that you rightfully should claim. Several factors are taken into account when calculating the compensation. The adjuster will push you to settle the claim fast but you should not agree with him. Agreeing to an early settlement can Read more