B.I.G. Day In Legal News – See Also

Sometimes Your Words Just Hypnotize The Court: Federal judge is apparently the only one in the courtroom who paid attention in the 90s.

To All The Partners In The Office I Was Hustlin’ In Front Of/Sued Me When I Was Just Tryin’ To Bill Some Hours To Feed My Daughter: Firm employment agreement charges associates for not making hours, which is… a strategy.

It’s Unbelievable: That Alex Jones keeps telling courts that he’s bankrupt… and yet keeps coming up with millions of dollars from between the couch cushions.

Mo Money, Not Mo Problems: Simpson Thacher, Mayer Brown, Sidley, and Ross Aronstam & Moritz

Gimmie The Loot: Congress is mulling over a provision that would make Ginni Thomas’s interest group work a national security secret. You know… nuclear codes, spy satellites, and Ginni Thomas consulting fees. Totally checks out!
