Sometimes Your Words Just Hypnotize The Court: Federal judge is apparently the only one in the courtroom who paid attention in the 90s.
To All The Partners In The Office I Was Hustlin’ In Front Of/Sued Me When I Was Just Tryin’ To Bill Some Hours To Feed My Daughter: Firm employment agreement charges associates for not making hours, which is… a strategy.

Why The Legal Work Experience Is Broken And How You Can Do Better
There are widespread problems with the legal work landscape. Here’s how your firm or law department can overcome them.
It’s Unbelievable: That Alex Jones keeps telling courts that he’s bankrupt… and yet keeps coming up with millions of dollars from between the couch cushions.
Mo Money, Not Mo Problems: Simpson Thacher, Mayer Brown, Sidley, and Ross Aronstam & Moritz
Gimmie The Loot: Congress is mulling over a provision that would make Ginni Thomas’s interest group work a national security secret. You know… nuclear codes, spy satellites, and Ginni Thomas consulting fees. Totally checks out!

You can have fast, secure access to your files and applications from anywhere without having to learn anything new or purchase upgraded hardware. Here’s how.

Explore decentralized finance, ESG-driven divestments, supply chain disruptions, and much more with the help of Practical Law’s over 300 attorney editors.

Why The Legal Work Experience Is Broken And How You Can Do Better
There are widespread problems with the legal work landscape. Here’s how your firm or law department can overcome them.

The Connected Legal Certification offers a new — and fun — way for in-house legal professionals to gain the skills they need to be more…

LexisNexis’ Fact & Issue Finder combines AI and human-assisted search to provide digestible, thorough results.

LexisNexis’ Fact & Issue Finder combines AI and human-assisted search to provide digestible, thorough results.