Criminal reforms target ‘deepfake’ and nonconsensual pornographic imagery | UK criminal justice

Secretly videoing or taking photographs of people under their clothes or sharing “deepfake” pornography without consent could lead to prison sentences of up to three years, under recommendations by the Law Commission of England and Wales.

The reforms broaden the scope of criminal law to protect victims from having intimate images taken or shared without their consent, practices known as downblousing and upskirting, or having their faces superimposed on pornographic images and circulated without their agreement.

But campaigners say the reforms do not go far enough and the government is making a “grave mistake” in not taking a tougher stance.

“Sharing intimate images of a person without their consent can be incredibly distressing and harmful for victims, with the experience often scarring them for life,” said Prof Penney Lewis, the law commissioner for criminal law.

Lewis said these offenses were currently dealt with under a “patchwork” of criminal offenses that

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Bragg’s utter injustice reveals just how backward the criminal justice system has become

Anyone looking for an example of how crime is killing the soul of New York need look no further than the case of Jose Alba. The outrageous arrest of the bodega worker who fatally stabbed a career criminal while defending himself perfectly illustrates the random danger of city life and the ass-backwardness of the criminal justice system.

The dead man, Austin Simon, was a thug who attacked the 61-year-old Alba, who was working alone at night in the small store on Broadway and 139th Street. Simon, 35, was on probation for assault and has reportedly been arrested at least 27 times previously.

Yes, you read that right, 27 arrests, and Simon reportedly did a stint in state prison for assaulting a cop. Yet there he was, free to hassle and attack an innocent man doing an honest job in a dangerous neighborhood.

In a sane and more just world, Alba

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In criminal justice system, don’t sacrifice public safety for profit

While the nation’s imprisoned population has declined since peaking in 2009incarceration levels still remain extraordinarily high.

Continued efforts to lower incarceration rates will stall unless we address the role that revenue plays in the daily operation of police departments, courts, jails and prisons across the country. So much of these entities’ time and effort goes into generating revenue that the goals of pursuing justice and improving public safety often get pushed to the side.

A new Brennan Center for Justice report delves into the interlocking economic incentives that underpin our justice system. Many of these practices rely on a simple calculus: More people in the justice system means more dollars for agencies, governments and contracted for-profit firms

Some of the revenue streams flow straight out of the pockets of the people who are ticketed, searched, arrested, jailed, tried and sent to jail or prison, while others arise from a

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Household Law Kinds

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It’s widely believed that legal schooling is important just for one who needs to pursue legislation as a occupation. The guide accommodates kinds appropriate for federal and state follow. Interpersonal justice, displays the degree to which people are treated in a well mannered way, dignity, and respect by authorities or third events involved in executing procedures or figuring out outcomes.

Free Legal Forms

Authorized data management appears to be on the rise. Skilled attorneys use varieties as checklists, to ensure they have not neglected any potentialities. Good intentions notwithstanding, busy attorneys lack the time to transform client-specific paperwork right into a more common precedents. Common info and different types can be found on the Court docket Kinds page.

At Nevada Legal Group, we can’t take you with no consideration like a large regulation agency will. General kind books, corresponding to West’s Authorized Kinds , American Jurisprudence Legal Kinds and Federal … Read more

Don’t Feel Guilty Taking Time Off Next Week

The holiday season is by now completely upon us as everyone is preparing to attend celebrations and winding down their operations before the new year. For some lawyers, the holidays can be a busy time, as many law firms try to get invoices paid before the end of the year and finish other tasks that might need to be completed in 2022. In addition, associates who need to bill a certain number of hours in a calendar year may also be busy fulfilling expectations firms may have of them. However, attorneys should not feel obligated to complete tasks around the holidays if they can avoid it, and lawyers should not feel guilty if they take at least some time off next week to relax and recharge before the new year.

Perhaps one of the biggest reasons not to feel guilty about taking time off next week is that many courts

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